Luisana was born the 18 of May of 1987 in Buenos Aires and is a romantic total! It dreams about living an enthusiastic history
of super love, but it confesses that "I am something timid with the boys". Who robs to her the heart must be "a macho, sweet
and that treats", claims to me well, Is necessary to be demanding! and it is that inside little one marries to us with her
fiancč! But her ideal boy is Luis Miguel! SHe is super fan! To who also adores mogollón is to his Daniela sister, nine years
greater than she. "From young girl, I imitate it in everything", confesses. Luisana is a currante cream and when it sets out
a goal does not stop until reaching it! For that reason it has prevailed! This super safe one if same and knows that it can
obtain what it sets out. In addition, it does not have complexes! In his short whiles it frees for mogollón of exercise, like
running outdoors or making abdominal by a tube. But what but it likes to do it is to sleep! "I even sleep when I am not sleepy",
it confesses.