
Rebelde Way

Rebelde Way TV
4 Caminos
Rebelde Way



In the "Elite Way School" There are four you leaders with great personalities, Mia (Luisana), Pablo (Benjamín), Marizza (Camila) and Manuel (Felipe).The truth that they do not take anything well, but discover that it unites a same passion that can change everything what it is lived in the "Elite Way", music. They conform a called band ErreWay and touch in a club with a contract. The owner of the club is the father of Tatiana, that is the fiancèe of Nicholas. Thanks to they can touch in the club. The majority of the songs is composed by Mia (Luisana).En the band no longer make the personage of the series, are they themselves. Thus with fights and all the continuous band.

now the history...
Cris Morena is a specialist in the soap opera of children and adolescents. It has the "gift" to generate enroscadas ideas of exaggerated way that they cause laughter, a almost-dangerous hypnosis or an absolute rejection.
The series begins with the term of the lectivo cycle and a raised performance of tone of the girls of second year, impelled by terrible Mia (Luisana Lopilato) who angered by the absence of his "daddy" finalizes taking the uniform of deprived small school to be shaking vigorously her fifteen years forming everything a scandal.
Parallelly, the session of photos of super star (Catherine Fulop) that in micro golden bikini puts relaxed in a photography study until her quinceañera daughter appears with two flowers in the chests and a pink tanga to follow with the set (any similarity with the reality, is not pure chance). The orders to continue, obvious, are of the baby.

Already from the jammed dialogues of words and attitude of "high society" (like: sorry, trips to Polynesia and London, that greasy chorrea girl, etc.) the profile of the product glimpses. The representation is caricatures, paródica (specifically), although sometimes it is ended up doubting if the quarrel of the loathing that creates directs towards those who the libretos wrote or towards a class of person who lives in the frivolity and the material excess.
A profile of the four adolescent protagonists is drawn, ex- members of the successful "Chiquititas": Mia, Marizza (Camila Bordonaba), the Mexican Manuel (Felipe Colombo) and Pablo (Benjamin Rojas), the one of the lights turquesa. All with its respective conflicts, personalities to híper strong and provocations to skin flower (except Manuel, that is humble and decides to travel course to Argentina to take revenge the murder of its father in Mexico). And briefly, the one of its powerful parents who, nevertheless, count on a quality in common: they are not able to put limits to his children.
The series just wakes up and is transparent "rich ones also suffer". To deal with comic strips ostentosos of the "Elite Way School" in the middle of a country with half of its poor population and the real wage in its level more under last the 50 years, is somewhat indignante (although the commercial success is watched). "Rebelde Way", beyond the hunger and the injustice, asks which is the exact moment in "we can choose the life that we want to have". They will also have that answer?